Driving Violations
If you have points added to your driving record, it may cost you a license suspension or sizable fine. In addition, your auto insurance rates may increase to a level that is unsustainable, highlighting the need for expert legal representation for even the smallest traffic violations.
Hiring Gritz, Hanifin & Shih can significantly increase your chances of avoiding major penalties when you are cited for a traffic violation. With our 50 years of experience by your side, you can avoid insurance rate increases, points added to your record, license suspensions, and more major penalties potentially levied for serious traffic offenses.

The state of Maryland separates traffic violations into two groups: incarcerable offenses and non-incarcerable offenses. Incarcerable offenses are traffic violations that may carry jail time as one of the potential outcomes, while non-incarcerable offenses do not.
Non-incarcerable traffic violations:
- Speeding
- Running red lights/stop signs
- Failure to signal
- Distracted driving
Incarcerable traffic violations:
- Reckless driving
- Vehicular manslaughter

The penalties differ between the two categories. It’s important to note that just because something is an incarcerable offense by law doesn’t mean that it necessarily means jail time if you’re convicted of the violation in question. An experienced team of attorneys can ensure that the penalties for one of these offenses is minimal and that you have the opportunity to ensure that it doesn’t destroy your life.
This doesn’t make the penalties for the more common, non-incarcerable offenses insignificant, however. Too many points on your record can result in the suspension of your license, a significant fine, and even a major rise in your monthly insurance rates. We can ensure that these effects don’t occur except when impossible to avoid.
No matter which category your traffic violation falls into, the benefits of hiring an expert legal team are apparent. Our goals for you when we represent you in traffic court or criminal court after a traffic violation include:
- Ensuring that anything you’re charged with won’t stain your permanent record
- Negotiating lesser penalties for any and all traffic violations, from speeding to DUI
- Avoid gaining added points, fines, and license suspension, wherever possible
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need high-quality legal representation only for criminal representation. Many people, when summoned to traffic court after a ticket or citation, simply accept their fate and move on.
When our clients in Montgomery County call us for representation in traffic court, it’s because they know we can make a difference. Whether we lessen your penalties—fewer points on your license or a lower fine, for example—or remove the violation completely, you won’t regret contacting us, even for the smallest infractions.
In our 30-plus years representing Rockville area clients in traffic court, we’ve seen it all, and we’ve taken our clients’ best interests into the courtroom countless times. If you’re arrested or accused of a major or minor traffic violation, contact Gritz, Hanifin & Shih for a consultation and free case review.